The Seven Sacraments Part 4
Deacon Ed wraps up our discussion of the Sacraments with the Sacraments of Service and a general ove...
The Seven Sacraments Part 3
Sean continues our discussion of the seven Sacraments with the Sacraments of Mercy....
The Seven Sacraments Part 2
Andy continues the discussion of the seven Sacraments with the Sacraments of Initiation....
The Seven Sacraments Part 1
Sean begins this series with an overview of the Sacraments and what Graces and benefits they bring....
The Apostle’s Creed Part 4
Andy wraps up the Apostle’s creed and the meaning of our statement of faith....
The Apostle’s Creed Part 3
Sean continues to delve into the Apostle’s Creed, the statement of the faith for all Christian...
The Apostles Creed Part 2
After explaining the Thomas Aquinas’ Five Ways to Prove the Existence of God, Deacon Ed begins...
The Apostles Creed Part 1
Deacon Ed begins this series with the Apostles Creed, which is the statement of faith for Christians...
What is Catholicism Part 3
Deacon Ed finishes up his discussion on what it means to Be Catholic....
What is Catholicism Part 2
As we start the 2023 Be Catholic series, Deacon Ed continues his overview on Catholicism and what it...
What is Catholicism Part 1
As we start the 2023 Be Catholic series, Deacon Ed gives an overview on Catholicism and what it mean...
Catholic Prayer Life – The Lord’s Prayer
Deacon Ed discusses the perfect prayer. The prayer that Jesus gave us to pray to the Father....